Volunteer Mitzvah Project

Dear Family and Friends,

In honor of my coming of age milestone, I am partnering with Friendship Circle NYC to volunteer with and raise funds for kids with special needs!

Together with other Mitzvah volunteers, we are ensuring that the special children at Friendship Circle experience love, friendship and acceptance. We will be creating care packages, birthday surprises, sensory experiences as well as planning & hosting an awesome carnival for the special children. We are planning experiences for them that they will cherish for a long time to come!!

I invite you to be a partner in my meaningful work by donating to this incredible cause. I will be running this campaign over the next few weeks. Thank you for your generosity!

For all offline donations (check, donor advised fund, foundation, etc.) please click here.

Izabella Levitina

Sam Blitz

Karen Newman

Sam Blitz

Howard Glickstein

Sam Blitz

Carrie Herz

Sam Blitz

Great job!

Yanina Brayman

Frankie Lehman

From the Blitz Family

The Lehman Family

Sam Blitz

Mazel Tov Sam!

Andrea and Peter Bernard

Kaden Lapidus

Mazel tov Kaden!

Smallowitz Family

Kaden Lapidus

mazel tov Kaden!

Safti and Z

Sami Katz

We are so proud of you and love you forever and always. Safti and Z

larry and susan bernstein

Sami Katz

We are so proud of you.We look forward to all your future achievements

Yaakov and Michelle Bernstein

Sami Katz

We are so proud of you! Mazel Tov on your upcoming Bat Mitzvah!

Jeff Winick

Kaden Lapidus

Kenneth Rosen

Kaden Lapidus

Robert Wallack

Kaden Lapidus

Michael &Joyce Wechsler

Maya Wechsler

Mazal Tov Maya. We are proud of you and love you.

Stroum Family

Maya Wechsler

Mazel Tov Maya! We are thrilled to help support this worthy cause in honor of your Bat Mitzvah.
We love you and can't wait to celebrate your with you and your family.
XO Brett, Jeff, Ellie, Sam & Zach

Judy Klimpl

Sam Blitz

So proud of you and all your good work!

Rhonda Smallowitz

Kaden Lapidus

Arif Shah

Kaden Lapidus

Way to go Kaden. Proud of you.

Perla Messer

Allie Messer

Love you Allie!!

Steven and Georgette Gross

Maya Wechsler

Mazal Tov Maya on your Bat Mitzvah
Georgie and Steve

Ethan and Remy Lapidus

Kaden Lapidus

Cynthia Winick

Kaden Lapidus


Kaden Lapidus

Mark L

Kaden Lapidus

Susan Rones

Maya Wechsler

Ed Lapidus

Kaden Lapidus

In honor of our grandson Kaden

kathryn lapidus

Kaden Lapidus

in honor of my grandson Kaden

Jackye Engel

Kaden Lapidus

James Engel

Kaden Lapidus

We are so proud of you. Love

Cari Lapidus

Kaden Lapidus

Proud of you!

Annie Katz

Sami Katz

$ 37,105

donated of $40,000