Volunteer Mitzvah Project

Dear Family and Friends,

In honor of my coming of age milestone, I am partnering with Friendship Circle NYC to volunteer with and raise funds for kids with special needs!

Together with other Mitzvah volunteers, we are ensuring that the special children at Friendship Circle experience love, friendship and acceptance. We will be creating care packages, birthday surprises, sensory experiences as well as planning & hosting an awesome carnival for the special children. We are planning experiences for them that they will cherish for a long time to come!!

I invite you to be a partner in my meaningful work by donating to this incredible cause. I will be running this campaign over the next few weeks. Thank you for your generosity!

For all offline donations (check, donor advised fund, foundation, etc.) please click here.

Margaret Lehman Mary Ivanyi

Frankie Lehman

Frankie Lehman from Mary and Maggie, a great project

The Miller Family

Maya Wechsler

Mazel tov! We are so proud of you!!
Love, Jilly, Daniel, Sam and Lola

Eileen Glastein

Frankie Lehman

Susan Simon

Maya Wechsler

In Honor of Maya's Bat Mitzvah!

Dash Family

Frankie Lehman

Jennifer Casher Lehman

Frankie Lehman

Ann Quarles

Aviva Zinn

Carol Fein and Jeffrey Hoffeld

Serena Reichman

How wonderful that you've chosen to devote time, effort, and energy to the children of the Friendship Circle, Serena. We are happy to contribute.


Allie Messer

Way to go Allie!
We are so proud of you!!

Amy Heir

Maya Wechsler

Vivian Creizman

Maya Wechsler

Wonderful job
You go girl
Mazel tov
כל הכבוד
Meaningful charity

Gary Rones

Maya Wechsler

Harry and Meir

Maya Wechsler

Great cause. Mazel Tov!

Rosalie and Harry Kleinhaus

Maya Wechsler

We’re so proud of you. Mazel Tov!

Aunt Sheila and Uncle Penn

Maya Wechsler

The NJ Wechslers

Maya Wechsler

We're so proud of you, Maya!! Great job!

Heymann Family

Maya Wechsler

Mazel tov, Maya! Such a wonderful project!

Heather & Brett Rogoff

Serena Reichman

So proud of you! xo Heather, Brett, Campbell and Sawyer

Joelle Boucai

Maya Wechsler

Lisa Childress

Maya Wechsler

Maya, congrats on the wonderful work you are doing with Friendship Circle NYC and in preparation for your Bat Mitzvah. We are so happy to support you.

Lisa, Trey, Jacob, Caleb, & Shana Childress

Daniel and Elissa Wechsler

Maya Wechsler

We are so proud of you Maya!

Dale Zinn and Sherie Stiver Zinn

Aviva Zinn

We hope you have huge success in the noble project you have chosen for your Batmitzvah milestone.

Marc & Marlene Reichman

Serena Reichman

we are both so proud of you!

Michelle Messer

Allie Messer

Go Allie!! Mazel tov!

Uncle Gregg, Aunt Jenny, Mira and Sara

Aviva Zinn

In honor of Aviva’s Bat Mitzvah!


Allie Messer

Kol HaKavod


Frankie Lehman

Glatzer Family

Serena Reichman

Proud of you! Great cause!

Sussberg Family

Serena Reichman

Thank you for being the best big cousin!

Shelley Goldstein

Aviva Zinn

Dedicated to Aviva Zinn in honor of your Bat Mitzvah and this wonderful project!!

Janet Reichman

Serena Reichman

I can’t think of a more meaningful cause to our family for you to devote yourself. I’m so proud of you Serena.

The Alimanskys

Aviva Zinn

Aunt Em

Aviva Zinn


$ 37,105

donated of $40,000